Tag Archives: Syria
E-Diplomacy & #Twiplomacy: Where Are the MENA Countries on this?
Last night, PITAPOLICY Consulting & Blog was invited to attend an event that shares best practices on public diplomacy over social media, or E-Diplomacy. So, PITA’s founder, Mehrunisa Qayyum, gladly attended–and tweeted For those focusing specifically on Twitter, the … Continue reading
Arab Media Analyst POV – #PITAPAL Reflects on Women’s Online Voice
Dear Pita-Consumers, Thanks to all who attended our third workshop covering strategy development from our joint initiative with Jordin’s Paradise “Mind Your Body, Exercise Your Mind” series. Our next one is scheduled for April 14th ,Sunday at 2pm in Washington, … Continue reading
Filed under Analysis, Interests, Politics, Technology
Why Haven’t 1,000 Shoes Been Launched at Syria’s Foreign Minister Yet?
“I do not understand how the United States can give support to groups that kill the Syrian people. One who seeks a political solution does not punish the Syrian people.” ~Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem Wow. If Syria’s Foreign Minister … Continue reading
Which event in the Middle East & North Africa region had the biggest impact in 2012?
Dear Pita-consumers: We know that there are many more events that should be mentioned…please feel free to add your thoughts. The only catch is that it must rhyme :)! Our new year’s resolution is to promote political and social satire … Continue reading
Happy Holidays: Reflecting on the Lands Where Christianity Began…
Dear Pita-Consumers: PITAPOLICY would like to wish you all a happy holidays…and to our Christian Pitapals, a very SAFE merry Christmas. We look forward to hearing your Christmas reflections on the holy lands where Christianity began and other pita-consuming countries … Continue reading
Strategically Change Tactics — Document Rape as a War Crime
This week on PITAPOLICY, we feature an article by PITAPOLICY Founder Mehrunisa Qayyum on a serious war crime: rape. What is the role of the media and the Arab diaspora in documenting this crime as a “weapon of war”, specially … Continue reading
Filed under Interests, Uncategorized
#PITAPAL Reflections by Dr. Bessma Momani
Dear Pita-consumers, It’s always funtabulous to meet another woman who focuses on political economy issues. I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Bessma Momani, who is on faculty at the University of Waterloo, at the annual National US Policymakers Conference. … Continue reading
@ASE Kicks of Envision Arabia, Followed by Nicolas Fayad #EAS12 Update #media
New York @NYU Campus Kimmel Center~Ahmed Shihab Eldin, Huffington Post Live Producer took the stage to kick off the Envision Arabia Summit – #EAS12 if you’re following! PITAPOLICY/Mehrunisa Qayyum will try to “live-blog” upon request of Pitapal, Chris Schroeder. Let’s … Continue reading
ISNA’s 49th Convention: Striving for the Common Good
Greetings Pita-consumers! This past weekend, August 31st-September 3rd PITAPOLICY covered the 49th Annual Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) convention in Washington, DC. This year ISNA celebrated “One Nation Under God: striving for the common good” by hosting a selection … Continue reading