Category Archives: Technology
Qusair: A microcosm of @UN politics at the Expense of 30,000 Besieged Inhabitants
PITAPOLICY believes that Qusair/Qusayr represents the standstill of politicking at the United Nations…below we have broken down the besieged Qusair into Politics, Impact, Technology, and Analysis that have developed since Senator John McCain’s visit to Syria. Politics AP reports … Continue reading
E-Diplomacy & #Twiplomacy: Where Are the MENA Countries on this?
Last night, PITAPOLICY Consulting & Blog was invited to attend an event that shares best practices on public diplomacy over social media, or E-Diplomacy. So, PITA’s founder, Mehrunisa Qayyum, gladly attended–and tweeted For those focusing specifically on Twitter, the … Continue reading
Arab Media Analyst POV – #PITAPAL Reflects on Women’s Online Voice
Dear Pita-Consumers, Thanks to all who attended our third workshop covering strategy development from our joint initiative with Jordin’s Paradise “Mind Your Body, Exercise Your Mind” series. Our next one is scheduled for April 14th ,Sunday at 2pm in Washington, … Continue reading
Filed under Analysis, Interests, Politics, Technology
WHARTON Business School To Hold Annual MENA Conference
On February 16th, Saturday, PITAPOLICY is excited to attend and cover the Wharton School of Business Annual MENA conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Early-Bird registration will end Friday evening, so don’t hesitate too much longer! Conference Theme: “Economies of Freedom: Reshaping … Continue reading
Filed under Interests, Politics, Technology
Revolutions Are Not Time-Bound: #Libya
Yesterday’s U.S. Congressional hearings put Libya in the focus regarding security and terrorism. But there is more to Libyan engagement and post-revolutionary rebuilding apart from Al Qaeda’s terrorist role in the “Arab Awakened” countries. Ambassador Chas Freeman continues to present … Continue reading
Filed under Politics, Technology
Inauguration 2013: What do Pita-consumers expect from Obama’s 2nd term?
Dear Pita-Consumers, What do you expect from President Obama’s 2nd term for the pita-consuming region? Iran and the US have stepped up their game to almost become “frenemies” during the Iraq invasion of 2003. Now, both have initiated a … Continue reading
REPOST: Iranian #Diaspora Role in Tech Ecosystem
Dear Pitaconsumers~ PITAPOLICY is pleased to join the contributor team at the Vancouver Observer’s online publication World section–especially since one of our pitapals, Massoud Hayoun, is their World Editor! Congrats to you Massoud–we’re pleased to have had the opportunity to … Continue reading
Filed under Technology
Which event in the Middle East & North Africa region had the biggest impact in 2012?
Dear Pita-consumers: We know that there are many more events that should be mentioned…please feel free to add your thoughts. The only catch is that it must rhyme :)! Our new year’s resolution is to promote political and social satire … Continue reading
Notes from the ‘Capital of Innovation’
Last week, PITAPOLICY shared with you tips on managing your business during the year-end holiday season by PITAPOLICY Consulting Founder Mehrunisa Qayyum. This week we wanted to share with you addition tips on innovation and entrepreneurship via this article found on … Continue reading
Filed under Technology
Small Business Tips to Fight Holiday Stress
November 24th, 2012 marked Small Business Saturday in the United States. Shoppers were encouraged to shop at small businesses for this day. PITAPOLICY Consulting Founder Mehrunisa Qayyum identified a four tips that small business owners like herself can follow to deal … Continue reading
Filed under Interests, Technology, Uncategorized